Oh, for Christ's sake, folks!   Y'all are looking at this whole Google
Maps thing the wrong way.  Try this:

    ---===it's FREE===---

It will not locate each hair on your head or make the longer-lasting light
bulb, but it serves well as another tool in your cartographical toolbox. 
I've found it to be very useful for starting with an overhead view and
then reverting to a map, to serve as a starting point for a more detailed
site like Terraserver.  This is especially useful when you've got a site
without a street address, such as ...here we go again... Manacougan

Now, as an aside - I'm told that the nuclear test craters north of Mercury,
NV are quite striking.  Have a blast, so to speak.


Marc Fries
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Carnegie Institution of Washington
Geophysical Laboratory
5251 Broad Branch Rd. NW
Washington, DC 20015
PH:  202 478 7970
FAX: 202 478 8901
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currently serving in harm's way by donating items they personally request
(This is not an endorsement by the Geophysical Laboratory or the Carnegie

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