Dear list members,

My latest "Best Offer Takes It" offer will end tonight, April 12th, 2005 at 11:00PM EST
(Florida, USA).

If you are interested in making an offer on any of the below items, email me your offer even if you think it might not make it. You never know what you may win. I will consider all offers so do not hesitate, you may be pleasantly surprised by the deal you will get.

Here are the descriptions and direct links to pictures (worth looking at
even if you are not interested in making an offer):

NWA 482 Lunar Part Slice 360mg, 12mm x 9mm x ~1mm w/ crust

NWA 998 Nakhlite Part Slice (very few part slices due to fragile nature of
this meteorite) 512mg, 10mm x 10mm x ~2mm

NWA 1195 Shergottite Complete Slice 2.588 grams, 37mm x 35mm x .5mm

NWA 1459 Olivine Diogenite Complete Slice 1.876 grams, 34mm x 27mm x .5mm

NWA 1646 Cumulate Eucrite Complete Slice 16.9 grams, 67mm x 31mm x 3mm

NWA 1648 Polymict Diogenite Complete Slice 32.4 grams, 68mm x 65mm x 3mm

NWA 1879 Mesosiderite Complete Slice with LARGE Crystals popping out of the
side 59.1 grams, 59mm x 37mm x 10mm

NWA 2126 Polymict Eucrite Complete Slice 121.9 grams, 100mm x 93mm x 5mm

NWA 2395 LL4 with Xenolith (Last One with Large xenolith) Complete Slice
40.3 grams, 65mm x 45mm x 5mm

NWA 2624 "Pallasite-Like" Ureilite MUSEUM PIECE with LARGE Translucent
Phenocrysts Complete Slice 3.8 grams, 33mm x 33mm x 1.5mm

NWA 2696 Brecciated Howardite Individual 50% Crusted 687 grams, 120mm x 90mm
x 45mm

NWA CV3 (most likely paired to NWA 3118) Individual 695 grams, 115mm x 70mm
x 60mm

NWA 3128 LL3.8 with Xenolith (Last One with Large xenolith) Part Slice 20.1
grams, 61mm x 40mm x 4mm

NWA 3149 Brecciated Howardite Complete Slice 55.9 grams, 93mm x 66mm x 4mm

Dhofar 461 Lunar Impact Melt Breccia Complete Slice comes with Labenne COA
2.35 grams, 39mm x 28mm x 1mm

Dhofar 908 Lunar Impact Melt Breccia Complete Slice comes with Norbert
Classen COA 2.788 grams, 32mm x 20mm x 2mm

NEA 001 Lunar Anorthositic Regolith Breccia Complete Slice 2.8 grams, 31mm x
29mm x 1mm

Park Forest L5 Individual found by "Dolly" the Dog, Signed Affidavit
included by dog's owner 228 grams, 55mm x 45mm x 47mm

To place your offer(s) for any of these, please email me at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and write your highest bid and description in your
message. If I like the highest offer, I will accept it and these items will
no longer be available so make sure you place the highest bid you are
comfortable with.

I will email the person with the highest acceptable offer and make payment
and shipping arrangements after the deadline has been reached.

Please keep in mind that all of these specimens look much better in person
as it is very difficult to get actual colors at times.

I reserve the right to refuse any offer for any reason.

Best regards,

Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
naturesvault (eBay)
IMCA 2185

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