2nd attempt...
- - - -

Hi All,

After visiting several more websites, I've concluded that my horned
lizard is actually not P. mcallii, but rather P. platyrhinos (Desert
Horned Lizard), which is not protected or endangered.  I was thrown
off by the skull diagrams on this page:


which don't show the occipital horns as being especially long.
In fact, both of these species have long horns, but platyrhinos
lacks the dorsal stripe and has a very rounded body:


If you scan down toward the bottom of the first link above, you'll
see a map of ranges for these beasties, and platyrhinos is the only
one shown for the Franconia/Lake Havasu area.

So Franconia meteorite hunters can rest easy (at least from the
possibility of closure due to an endangered species).  Even if it
had been P. mcallii, this species is actually not (yet) on the
endangered species list.  --Rob
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