A BFO just hit me --no, not a bolide but a Blinding Flash of the Obvious ( Oblivious to some)-- "tDe Nile" River runs through Chicago as well as North East Africa.

I know Steve isn't reading this directly( yeah? Right!), cause I am in "time out" by Steve --and I never made the bashem list. Steve has a novel solution to any cognitive dissonance forming on his keyboard: claim to block 17 list members yet have a special friend forward you everyone. I don't archive the contradictions in Steve's messages any more , it became a full time job. But I still read them, like the folks who just go to movies to find continuity errors.--I digress--I believe that 3-4 messages ago, Steve forgave "everybody including the bashems" and said he'd do business with anyone. Which way is it? You forgive them or you don't? To anyone else this is an important statement of character, perhaps in Chicago, forgiveness means something else. Speaking of things (other than list promises, follow through with payment, etc) we never see followed through: how is it we never saw a meteorite ad posted by Steve on the other meteorite sales lists? What is the link to the Steve Arnold Chicago Meteorite [EMAIL PROTECTED] groups you said that he was setting up?

Now since this following blurb doesn't merit a post of its own I'll revise and extend... Steve did make some adjustments and I think tried to finally accomodate the latest backlash of objections to pass muster from those fed up with his shenanigans. For that we should be thankful. I am. However, given the track record, Steve's latest rounds of "leave me alone, I've done nothing wrong, I am not listening to you" comes across as another back door attention scam--to those that have seen his patterns over and over and over, many have run out of cheeks to turn. I guess time will tell if this is really the new and improved Steve. I believe that there are a bunch of folks on the list that are not going to just step aside and play along with his games. They are willing to call his bluff and that means confronting him on the list.

The reality is Steve will post to the list daily and not much we can do about that. Nor would we want to do so except that they still come across as self aggrandizing. Steve has a meteorite display in his home that I admire. I'd love for him to post more photos of his new accquisitions so the post would be more meaningful. Would the designated special friend please ask Steve to post more of his finds in his website? I sincerely would like to see examples. That for me is a part of the hobby , and would enhance the meaningfullness of his posts.

Forgive me, list members who would like to see no one reply to Steve's posts--I promise I'll never do it again, until next time--On my word and honor as a SASpecial Friend Peacemaker wannabe.


At 01:32 PM 7/1/2005, Steve Arnold, Chicago!!! wrote:

....I have done nothing wrong at anytime.

JKGwilliam wrote:

Geeeezzzzzz Steve!!! Go back in the archives and read your several "apologies" to the Met List, there are several of them there.

You may have a short memory but most of the rest of us don't.

BTW, Jerry Wallace tried several times to contact you via this list. Why didn't one of you "mailboy" friends deliver those messages?

Inquiring minds,


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