Hi Jeff,
        I have photographed so much moldavite it takes my breath
away. You can do almost anything with Adobe Photoshop. The
challenge is always to get it to look as good as it is, but not better
than it is. (What is the use in selling something if it is returned, or,
worse, if it is kept but your customer no longer trusts you?) I
would bet at least 10 to one the color of this specimen was enhanced
in photoshop or like software - perhaps more like 1,000 to one.
        The biggest thing going FOR it is the flesh tones look good in
one of the photos - AND the seller has a stellar rating. On the other
hand, in the other photo, on the ruler it looks like a couple of letters
should be marked in fire engine red are, instead, washed out orange -
that COULD be the actual colors, but unlikely. With a rating that
high, you might get an honest answer if you email the guy. Does
anyone recognize who this is? If he is a known meteorite dealer,
I would think the odds are better to begin with and the likelihood of
an honest answer are higher - but with a stellar rating, I would
think he would be unlikely to risk loosing that if you write him
privately, anyway.
        I have seen moldivite with color that good - exactly like that,
in fact. However, that pure, rich "emerald green" is VERY rare (and
usually darker, as well). This COULD be such a piece, but they
are one in a thousand good ones, at best. I have 3 or so in  my own
collection - and I have over 50
specimens which I have cherry picked from countless hundreds
over the years (always for outrageous form, but also ANY emerald
green). The 3 emerald green ones have no particular attraction
as to form (like the one below).
        The point - you can do anything in photoshop & color like that
is one in a thousand. Like so many things, it comes down to "do you
know the dealer & how trustworthy is he?"
        Best wishes, Michael

on 7/17/05 1:24 AM, Jeff Kuyken at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Doesn't look quite right to me but maybe it's just the photo. Opinions?
> Cheers,
> Jeff
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