While I feel a good deal of affection for Tom, saying we shouldn't
deflect a meteoroid before it strikes the earth with devastating
effect because we should "leave Mother Nature to her own ways"
(yes, paraphrase I did), is like saying we shouldn't utilize penicillin
to fight infection, utilize inoculations against infectious diseases, set
broken bones, practice surgery, use birth control, etc.
        If God wanted us to fly we would have been born with wings
and if "He" wanted us to be naked we would have been born that way!
        Best wishes, Michael

on 7/26/05 11:04 AM, tracy latimer at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> RE:  should we try to deflect this asteroid, if it poses a threat?
> Answer:  Do you wear your seat belt?
> If we have the technology, and not moving the asteroid is a bigger threat
> than moving it, I say yes!  I like living in an era where the Black Death in
> city-killing plagues is a thing of the past, hot water and electric lights
> are readily available, and we have the capability to keep a stadium sized
> rock from plowing into the Earth.  This is an instance where judicious use
> of technology is mandated.
> I have no desire to be wiped out, or even seriously inconvenienced by space
> junk; I fully expect to be around in 2039, barring an accident of the type
> where a seat belt wouldn't help.
> Tracy Latimer
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