On Mon, 1 Aug 2005 12:20:42 +0200, "Martin Altmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Hi Al&All,
>> The naming of a planet is left to the astronomical community and they
>> tend to name after the Greek gods. Suggesting and speculating names on
>> this list is simply a waste of time although fun.
>Not at all, it helps to understand, how garish the decision was to name that
>object after a TV-Show:  "Xena".
>Guess the next KBOs will be called: Hulk, Buck, Blob, (Larry, Moe and
>Curly), Fuzzy & Lassie.

Actually, they DIDN'T name it after a TV show.  As usual in science stories, 
the news media are
wrong.  Xena is just an informal nickname they have been using for it and NOT a 
serious proposal as
to what to name the KBO.
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