Thanks for your input Michael, I always enjoy your perspective.

Maybe you misunderstood what I said about my issues with the list. I don't read every post. In fact, I delete close to 50% of what's on the list automatically. I may be wrong here, but I think the off-topic content of this list has increased recently. Maybe this is just the natural evolution of a forum and there's nothing that can be done about the issues I've made note of.

BTW, I got a personal email from Dave Andrews today and he informed me he has left the list.



At 09:14 AM 8/3/2005, Michael L Blood wrote:
 Sure, write Art and suggest an AD ban, or 1 AD per person per month,
or whatever..... even suggest banishment of The Misguided One, if you so
choose..... but resign the list because you can't control yourself and must
read every post instead of ignore and/or delete? I just don't get it.
        Best wishes, Michael

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