Hi List ,

All of the ebay adds, last chance, reminders, relay stink . The list should get back to new meteorites and meteorite hunting stories . I stand with Dave and John .


-----Original Message-----
From: JKGwilliam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: DNAndrews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Steve Arnold, Chicago!!! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Tue, 02 Aug 2005 22:56:36 -0700
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] (AD) Art...delete me or SSteve from here now! Thank you!

Dave and List,
I know how you feel Dave. But, while I see Steve Arnold #2 as being a substantial problem on the List, he isn't the only problem.

A couple of weeks ago I sent a personal email to Art expressing some of my own frustrations and told him I was thinking about leaving the List. What I'd really like to see is for the Meteorite List to regain it's focus on meteorites and get rid of all of the "AD" posts including all of the "reminders" about Ebay auctions along with all of the other "off topic" posts. I know I'm not the only one who is frustrated because I receive lots of commiserating private mail from people after I speak up like I did early today. Maybe I should join ranks with my buddy Dave and take a stand towards cleaning up the Meteorite List. Getting rid of a habitual offender would be a good start.

Does anyone else share my opinion or are you content to leave the list the way it is?



At 09:35 PM 8/2/2005, DNAndrews wrote:
Art, please delete either I or Steve Arnold (Chicago!!!!) from this
>list. I will gladly be the "sacrificial lamb" in this case. I haven't >missed a Tucson show in 8 years, but I think I'll be skipping it from now >on in the future....thanks to SSteve. I have no desire to associate with >this person there or anywhere else for that matter... either >electronically or or in person. He has done nothing but damage "this >great hobby of ours". If you choose me, I will be grateful as I won't >have to open up and actually read all these messages that I delete day in, >day out. I will still continue on my meteorite hunting trips and my true >friends know how to get in touch me for those REAL meteorite hunts. To put >it mildly, I'm sure some will be relieved to see me go.
But, since SSteve came around, Tucson just isn't the same anymore.
Some >newbie buffoon that sez he's been around since 1999....yeah...right!
Count me out. I mean it!

So, you choose Art....SSteve or me....it won't really hurt me feelings
if >it is me. Really! (If I change my mind, I can just change my identity >like Matteo anyways).

Steve Arnold, Chicago!!! wrote:

Good evening list.This is the 3rd time I have tried to post on
for meteorites,and nothing.I wish I new what the problem is.Anyway I
added more items to my meteorite sale and will extend the half off
sunday the 7th.Just go to my website and look under the sale
for this, but I would like to know why my posts do not go thru on


Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120

Illinois Meteorites,Ltd!

website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com

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