Hi Ron and List,

My guess is that I touched some nerves with my last posting to the List
about the con artists at Econo Lodge Tucson. I just received numerous
responses in a matter of minutes.  This incident left a bad taste in our
mouths at the show but we were lucky to get a really crappy room in a bad
part of town within a few hours only to find out we could have stayed across
the street cheaper in a better place.  It was not a good start to the show
but we managed to have a great time despite these bad people.

I spent months writing letters to anybody who would listen about the
incident including that corporate office of Econo Lodge who permanently
filed my complaint on their record.  I sent emails to Triple A. who also
said they would look into it. I sent a complaint to Hotels.com who did not
do a thing about it.  Only after taking legal action with my credit card
company did anything happen. It probably took over a hundred hours of phone
calls, letter writing and emails to get my money back. I asked the credit
card company if they would file a criminal complaint and they said no. These
crooks probably know nothing will happen to them from a criminal standpoint
and will continue this unsavory practice. Welcome to America where you can
get away with grand larceny with no criminal consequences.

I was glad to have my money credited back because it was a very frustrating
and time consuming process that I could barely spare the time for. I just
want make others aware so they don't run into the same problems.

Kind Regards,


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