Dear List and Chris,

Todays research results from ancient Chinese

Ref: Needham, Vol.III, 20. Astronomy, pg. 434

  "Meteorites had many other names in Chinese books
besides the yun already mentioned, or yun-shih. 
Further information is contained in a valuable chapter
by Chang Hung-Chao, who points out that one of the
oldest names must be that contained in the Shan Hai
Ching (Ch. 16), namely thien Chhuan, `hounds of
heaven`.  He also notes that meteorites were often
confused (as in other civilisations) with stone axes
of the Neolithic period.  There is a reference to this
in the Chiu Thang Shu (Old History of the Thang
Dynasty), where, about +660, a meteorite presented to
the emperor was called `the stone axe of the
thunder-god` (Lei Kung Shih Fu).  Other names were
`the thunder-god`s ink block@ (lei mo) or
`thunder-lumps` (phi li chen), and it is these which
formed the headings under which Li Shen-Chen in th
+16th century treated meteorites in his Pen Tshao Kang

Best,  Dirk Ross...Tokyo

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