SPIRIT UPDATE: Looking over Tennessee Valley - sol 606-613, 
Sept 23, 2005:

Spirit completed a campaign of using the tools on its robotic arm to
examine the feature "Cliffhanger." Spirit scuffed the soil using its
wheels in the area around Cliffhanger, and then observed both the
scuffed and undisturbed soil. In addition, Spirit imaged the moons
Phobos and Deimos at night. Spirit also acquired part one of a stereo

Sol-by-sol summaries:

Sol 606 (Sept. 16, 2005): Spirit performed untargeted remote sensing and
took images overnight of Phobos and Deimos.

Sol 607: Spirit performed remote sensing and used the microscopic
imager, alpha particle X-ray spectrometer, and Moessbauer spectrometer on
the scuff feature of Cliffhanger.

Sol 608: Spirit began a long Moessbauer spectrometer campaign on the
exterior of Cliffhanger.

Sol 609: Spirit continued the Moessbauer spectrometer campaign.

Sol 610: Spirit once again continued the Moessbauer spectrometer
campaign. The rover also proceeded with a panorama of Tennessee Valley.

Sol 611: Spirit used the Moessbauer spectrometer in the interior of
Cliffhanger. Spirit then used the microscopic imager and alpha particle
X-ray spectrometer on the exterior of Cliffhanger. Spirit also took
overnight images of the moons.

Sols 612 and 613: Spirit is on a two-sol plan, consisting of microscopic
imager work and a 2.5-hour drive toward "Hillary" to obtain a better
look over Tennessee Valley. This new drive position will set up Spirit
for the second position to create the stereo panorama. Plans for sol 613
call for Spirit to perform untargeted remote sensing.

As of the end of sol 613, (Sept. 23, 2005), Spirit has driven 4,949
meters (3.08 miles).

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