Hi Francesco, list,

thanks for the work.

Some remarks:
During the last years many mineral dealers found out, that meteorites are an
attraction, hence they give it in their assortment in the exhibitors' list,
although many of them have perhaps only a handfull of lousy indochinites or
a dozen Canyon Diablo micros.

On the other hand, there are much more specialists, who aren't listed among
the exhibitors.
Main reason is, that the table prices are horrendous, something around 3000$
minimum, so that they share stalls with other dealers or take some meters as

For instance you won't find listed Mike Farmer, Gregor Pacer, Andi Gren,
Andreev, Pellerin (- Allan Lang, E.T. et.al. will come too, dunno whether as
visitors only) and so on.

If you plan to spend only a few hours on the fair, then concentrate on the
second and third hall, in all the years before almost no meteorites (or good
deals) weren't found in the first one.

This year the organisators missed to set plans of each hall online (don't
know whether the numeration of the stalls will be the same as last year). A
little hint: on the information desks at the front ends of each hall sheets
with plans for take away were to be found (please be fair and take only one
each, they were gone quickly) as well as a booklet with the exhinbitor's
list for free.
Both very helpful to make your notes and to avoid superfluent running

Seeee you

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Moser Francesco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "ZZ ML Meteorite-List" <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 10:07 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Munich

> Hi All.
> I take the List of Exhibitors 2005 from the site of the Munich Mineral
> and check out all the dealears how declared to have on sale meteorite.
> Here you can find the dealers in alphabetical order:
> http://web.tiscali.it/francesco.moser/alpha.doc
> and here in order of Halle.Stand:
> http://web.tiscali.it/francesco.moser/halle.doc
> Here you can find the Map of the Show:
> http://www.mineralientage.de/bilder/pdf_pops/Hallenplan_2005.pdf
> I think this is the same of last year.
> Many person last time found this sheets very useful, I hope this year will
> be the same.
> I will be in Munich just in time for the Beer Party, you can also meet me
> the next 2 days.
> Here there are some images in order to recognize me:
> PS: Don't forget the camera at home !!! :-))
> Ciao
> <><><><>
> Francesco Moser
> http://web.tiscali.it/francesco.moser/
> IMCA #1510 www.imca.cc
> "There's just one kind of man that you can trust,
> that's a dead man, or an IMCA like me."
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