Zelimir is having problems posting so he has asked me to forward  this.
And he has an interesting suggestion.
Anne M. Black
_www.IMPACTIKA.com_ (http://www.IMPACTIKA.com) 
President, I.M.C.A.  Inc.
_www.IMCA.cc_ (http://www.IMCA.cc) 
Hello Anne, list

The iron as pictured is a little bit familiar to  me. It reminds me 

In October 1996 I attended the Turin show  and met there Alain Carion. 
We went through the tables and noticed a Spanish  dealer, Senor F. Morales, 
who had put for sale an unknown iron he discovered in  Mexico. 
At the time, nothing was known about it, just the name (that he  proposed). 
The slices he offered  resemble the picture you are  enclosing (but I must 
check better when I will be home with my collection). M.  Morales, the finder, 
sold various part- and complete slices as well as some  individuals. 
I purchased a nice part slice of above 500 g with troilites and  a W pattern 
similar to the one you pictured (Can't check the bandwidths  now).
Here is what I can find in my files:

ZAPALINAME (Mexico,  Oc-IAB)              thick PS, edge 2/3 crusted, 549.3 g 
    Nice W. pattern  (wide bands), 2 troilites, (one of 40 mm) on  the etched 
side; purchased  from F.A.Morales, the finder, before analysis 

M. Morales also provided  copies of preliminary analyses and description of 
his find to the buyers so I  got all this bunch of data from him, in a folder, 
including pictures showing M.  Morales digging and finding the main mass on 
Copies of such data were  available before the meteorite was officially 
described and accepted by the Nom  Com and M. Morales used to distribute them 
proof that he really found the  meteorite. It is only recently that Zapaliname 
was officially accepted  (described in one of the last Met. Bulls.)

I remember that Alain  hesitated to purchase some fragment, probably because 
of the lack of data. We  then separeted and I never knew whether Alain changed 
his mind later and ended  up by purchasing some slice at the show.

The coincidence here is that the  iron you show is similar to Zapaliname and 
that Alain and me were at the right  place, before the official opening of the 
show, to see that new meteorite. Alain  should remember whether he did buy 
some slice or not and easily contradict my  guesses if he still has the piece 
his collection.
But the year (1996, for  sure) does not correspond to "the 80's" you 

This is just a  proposal, more based on my memories than on comparison of my 
sample (that I  don't have on hand here in France) with your picture. But this 
could perhaps  interpellate Alain and help the quest progressing.

Side note: 
Anne,  since a time, my posts do not reach the List for some obscure reason. 
If you are  the only one to receive this message and do not see it appearing 
again through  "Met. Central" list, please send it along to the list on my 
behalf. I believe it  can be of interest to the meteorite community.

Best wishes to  all,


Prof. Zelimir Gabelica
Université de Haute  Alsace
3, Rue A. Werner, 
F-68093 Mulhouse Cedex,  France
Tel: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 94
Fax: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 15  

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