On Tue, 15 Nov 2005 20:12:22 -0700, "Gene Dees" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Michael wrote:
>> >Dean,
>> >        Are "pions" anything like peons?
>They are negatively charged pies.  They are violently attracted to the 
>of positively charged people ... it's a lot like what goes on in a 3 
>pie fight.

Not particle physics fans, I see.  :-)


    Good sources! Thanks for those!
    I was just having fun ... really.  After all, slow people, the 
neuron-challenged, and MODS* sufferers deserve to have fun, too. <grin>
    Now ... according to the references, a "pion" is a "meson" ... and we 
"Mesons" hold our lodge meetings on the second Tuesday of each month. 
"Exotic Mesons"?  Well, we 32ยบ Scottish Rite Mesons hold our reunions twice 
a year.  Rumors have it that the "Mesons" control the wealth of the world 
.. well, I'm still waiting for my piece of the action!

*MODS ... "Medulla Oblongata Deficiency Syndrome"

gene a dees ... in Albuquerque 
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