Hi list,

I haven't seen this book yet. Can you tell me whether the author
claims any of the meteorites have weird properties? This is the
folklore I'm studying.



On 11/18/05, Charles O'Dale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have to admit that I can thank good old Erich Von Daniken for initiating
> me into the realm of the skeptic. I fell for his "Chariots of the Gods"
> nonsense hook line and sinker, and I was just beginning my engineering
> career. What changed my opinion? An article in (of all things) Playboy Mag.
> Playboy hired the then (almost) unknown Timothy Ferris to interview Eric for
> the "Playboy Interview" column. Timothy virtually exposed all of Eric's
> wacko ideas and his lack of empirical evidence (Eric actually made up most
> of it up). I was astonished that I could have fallen for stuff like that.
> Thus began my sub-career as a skeptic and my requirement for empirical
> evidence of "claims".  And I still read Playboy for its scientific articles.
> Chuck
> Meeting Chair
> Ottawa RASC
> http://www.ottawa.rasc.ca/astronomy/earth_craters/index.html
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Axel Emmermann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] Re: Stones From The Stars: The
> UnsolvedMysteries of Meteorites
> > Oh yes!
> > That gave me flashback... wow... still dizzy from it ;-)))
> >
> > Back in the fifties to late sixties there was several hypes created around
> > some books that were written by pseudo-scientists like Immanuel Velikovsky
> > or even a reporter named Erich Von Daniken.
> >
> <snip>>
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