Hi again list,

Baygorria has already been studied by competent scientists and been
determined to be similar to Campo del Cielo.

Here is the entry in the Meteoritical Bulletin:

33 deg. S, 56degW (approx.) R¡o Negro Province, Uruguay

Found 1994 July 8
Iron (IAB)
A single mass, ~80 kg, was found in a grass field near Baygorria dam.
Classification (F. Wlotzka, MPI, Mainz) and analysis (B. Spettel, Max Planck
Inst. fr Chemie, Mainz, Germany): Ni, 6.5%; Co, 0.43%; Ga 97.8 ppm; Ge,
10.9 ppm; Ir, 3.69 ppm; composition similar to Campo del Cielo. Specimens:
main mass, contact Mr. J. Escomel, Roque Gra Seras 914, Montevideo 11300,
Uruguay; type specimen, 4.6 g, MPI, Mainz.

Note that they mentioned "Ni, 6.5%; Co, 0.43%; Ga 97.8 ppm; Ge, 10.9 ppm;
Ir, 3.69 ppm; composition similar to Campo del Cielo." This is good enough
for me.

Take Care,

Adam Hupe
The Hupe Collection
Team LunarRock
IMCA 2185

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