Gary kindly wrote:

" I wanted to post, as a new member of this list, a bit of introduction."

Welcome to "our" List!

"I have been an amateur atronomer since I was a child"

You will find out that many of us are both amateur astronomers (or have a vivid
interest in everything celestial) and passionate lovers of these messengers from
the sky.

" ...a meteorwrong [vesicular basalt] here in New England."

What a pity it is a meteorwrong. A brief, passing look and one might think it is
a vesicular impact melt rock like Cat Mountain (an L5 impact melt breccia which
has vesicles too!).

"Anyway, I'm happy to be among this illustrious company"

Your family name should be a good omen, because it is also an illustrious
name meteorite-wise. Here's an example:

ART. XXXIX.-Preliminary Note on the Shower of Meteoric Stones near Holbrook,
Navajo County, Arizona, July 19th, 1912, including a  Reference to the Perseid
Swarm of Meteors visible from July 11th to August 22nd by WARREN M. FOOTE.

"Unfortunately I'm 54"

No problem at all ... I am almost 61 ;-)

Best wishes
from Germany,


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