Good evening list.Wow what another great day here in tucson.80
degree's,sunny,and beautiful.I picked up a couple of new pieces.A 52 gram
piece of tatahouine and a 1.115 kilo piece of gibeon.And no matteo you
will not see it on ebay.But I bet if you put yourself on ebay,you might
get a few bids.Alot of people came in today.Martin horjesi,paul and jim
from meteorite times,geoff notkin,I also saw fred olsen,fred hall,mark
bostick,and whole slew of people.Also bob evans came in from chicago.We
went over to the reeds to drink some fine wine,and just hang out.Well
tomorrow will be another new day.Bob haag opens up,a few more people are
coming in so it will be another fantastic day.I can hardly wait.I wish you
all could be here.

                              steve arnold,chicago

Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 

Illinois Meteorites,Ltd!

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