i dont think many people complain about the small ones - but the 20 or 30$ ones really get me - especially since the plastic used scratches pretty darn easily. they should make the boxes out of the same stuff used for the security devices on DVDs.. that junk is indestrucable. sure a 30$ box used to house a 1 kg moon rock isnt that big a deal, but if you have a big collection with hundreds of pieces the size of the larger boxes thats thousands of $ worth of plastic that probably cost less than a value meal at mickie d's to make. plastic that will VERY quickly show the signs of wear and tear unless you stash all of your space rocks in a safe deposit box some place and only visit them once in a blue moon.

just my two cents...

From: Michael L Blood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,Martin Altmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,Meteorite List <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Membrane Boxes
Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2006 19:01:14 -0800

Hi Darren,
        Would you please make these membrane boxes? I am sure everyone
on the list - and all of Christendom would be happy to give you 6 c each
for a 100% "mark up" and be happy to do so.
        Sincerely, Michael Blood

on 2/11/06 3:09 PM, Darren Garrison at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Sat, 11 Feb 2006 23:17:54 +0100, you wrote:
>> Huh, where is the problem?
>> Hartman is taking for 100 microboxes 1.3$ each.
> Meanwhile, I can buy gem jars for around 20 cents each. It's a matter of
> scale.
> I wouldn't worry about a $1 difference in price for something that cost $1000, > or $100. But at $10, it starts to be a factor, and the difference between > something that cost $1.30 and something that cost $0.20 and serves virtually
> the
> same purpose IS going to make a difference in my opinion. I'm not judging the > price that the reseller has to charge, I'm judging the price the manufacturer > charges. With gem jars, you have something that costs a few cents to make and > sells for around 20 cents. With membrane boxes, you have something that costs
> a
> few cents to make and sells for over a dollar.  That's my point-- price
> gouging
> by a monopoly single source.
>> Wouldn't you make photos of those persons you love, because the albums to
>> keep the photos are to expensive?
> Not a good analogy. A better one is, would I buy a frame for the picture from > company X at one price, or buy a frame made from the virtually the same amount
> of virtually the same materials a different company for 5 or 6 times the
> price.
> You might do that. I wouldn't. (And I haven't made a film-based photo in
> over
> 3 years-- I've taken maybe 15,000 with my digital camera since then, and at
> least 90 percent of them have never seen paper).
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