I have collected stamps off and on for about 35 years.

This sounds great to me. Many stamps and covers over the years have had tie ins to supposedly unrelated fields.

As an aside, I also think it is amazing the prices that dealers get for that Sikhote-Alin stamp when someone could buy it directly from a dealer of Russian stamps for a very small amount. The last I looked, it had a Scott catalog value of maybe $1.00 or so and stamps are usually sold at a discount from Scott.

-Walter Branch
----- Original Message ----- From: "dean bessey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Austria Will Issue Stamps with Meteorite Powder

As somebody who started a stamp approval service when
I was 14 and has been a on and off stamp dealer (And
all sorts of other types of collectibles) for a
quarter century (Geez that makes me sound old) and
whose best business course in university was marketing
I think that this is a great idea with a lot of
It will expose meteorites to millions of stamp
collectors and if only one becomes interested in
meteorites and decided to go desert hunting and finds
a Carbonaceous of achondrite it will more than make up
for the 19 kilos that was used. Also (Important for
the post office trying to sell stamps to collectors)
meteorite (And mineral collectors) people are a good
source of customers as minerals is a very popular
topic among stamp collectors. Remember a stamp dealer
is at the munich show every year selling stamps
showing minerals.
But this promotion goes even further. The meteorite
has been well studied as part of the sales promotion
(You dont see that with many H4s from NWA nowadays)
and the unused remains of it is on display at some
museum in austria. This means that one of austria's
museums is going to be getting free publicity amonst a
very key target group of potential customers (Stamp
collectors) - ie:visiters to the museum.
This is an all round smart stamp issue that has a lot
of positive aspects to it.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

En un mensaje con fecha 03/10/2006 2:31:24 PM Mexico
Standard Time,

<< perhaps turn stamp collectors to meteorites >>


Come on Mike, why don't you just send them a few
kilograms of cutting
waste...no argument with you, though we could turn
everyone on to cloud 69 (1969 that
is, as in July 20) even more by grinding up your
moonrock and issuing Lunar
stamps and maybe get more money spent for Lunar
exploration without
cannabalizing everything else that is beautiful out
there.  I could make another
suggestion ... for those of us who get beads and
dragons carved out of meteorites,
hearts and "S"'s for Superman, or even museum
pallasitic recognitions, or those
who just cut them up, save your powder in a can and
then sell it to
Austriapost's IPO as an untapped opportunity.  That
way slices prices can come down a bit
and more profit can be realized and everyone is
happy, including the stamp
collectors and the strategic planners for the
privatization of the Austrian
postal service as they give ideas of the potential
value of the concession
properly run by MBA's and not government employees.
But don't don't stick an
innocent meteorite in the mortar and pestle if you
don't have to...or there will be
more language coming out of the SWMC that will be

Just a thought, and just my own worthless opinion,
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