You have to be careful with "Information auctions".
About a year ago several people on a coin discussion
group that I am a member of decided to try this and
warn people about ancient fake coins and a couple got
suspended from ebay. (Unlike meteorites Ancient Coin
fakes are a SERIOUS problem on ebay). 
If you in any way imply that there are fakes listed on
ebay and give ways to avoid them you could well run
into problems with ebay (Ebay dont like you saying
that there are fakes listed on their site).
So if somebody else is planning to do something
similar educating or warning potential buyers about
fakes using "info auctions" be careful that you dont
cross ebays "fake info" line.
That being said my personal opinion is that this can
be a good idea and as long as the text is kept in the
positive and dont get to detailed on sellers it should
be OK. (ie: Say this is how to tell a genuine
meteorite" and not "If somebody in an ebay auction
says this then it is a fake").
There is a fine line here and wither you get in
trouble with ebay could well be dependant on who at
ebay looks over the complaint.

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