Hi Thaddeus,

I just returned from both trips. I had the opportunity to hunt and watch Steve and Geoff recover the two large Brenham meteorites. When the show airs you will see some of the work that it took to locate and recover the Brenham meteorites. Every Brenham meteorite is Gps'd, placed on a map, soil sample taken from under the meteorite and last depth of meteorite. Steve and Geoff should be applauded for their dedication with the recovery of these meteorites and record keeping. As far as the looting, all of the land in the Brenham strewn field is private property. Steve and his hunting partner have contracts with all of the land owners. The land owners were very happy with the work that Steve is doing.

Now for the Glorieta Mountain segment. All of the hunting was done on private property with the approval from the owners. The adjoining federal agencies were also contacted. I am not sure if the Universities will be interested in studying anymore of the common Glorieta meteorites as this type has been classified and studied in the past. The property owners had a blast with the TV crew and the hunters. What better pr work for meteorite hunters and the public. As for " we don't need degrees to collect lumps of asteroids, planets and comets." You would be surprised by the scientists that work side by side with us in the field. Without the recovery work from hunters you would never have all of the new meteorites to study and enjoy. All of these hunters document their finds, take pictures in situ, measure the depth of the meteorite, location of nearest find etc.. I would like to show you how much work it is to find a meteorite and the time involved, 4-6 hours driving time, 8-10 hours hiking around with the temperatures sometimes over 110 degrees. Now do this for weeks without finding one meteorite and you will learn the dedication that it takes to hunt and properly record your finds. I would love to see all the work you have done for the meteorite community.



-----Original Message-----
From: Thaddeus Besedin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 10:17:19 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Treasure Hunters

Oh great - another glorification of looting (relic hunting)! Do Any of the Brenham pits get at least a cursory record of their possible prehistoric components? I'm justifiably and unassailably an enemy of the irresponsible, counterscientific, hobbyist attitudes glorified by certain people and uncritically tolerated by others (accomplices). No, we don't need degrees to collect lumps of asteroids, planets, and comets, but a bit of respect for irreplacable biological taxa and cultural residues would make us more than drooling, avaricious freebooters.

Ruben Garcia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,
We had a great time filming an episode of "Cash and
Treasure". A new series on the Travel Channel that
will air in early 2007. Each show will be an hour long
and will feature various types of treasure hunting.
From gold prospecting to relic hunting to meteorites,
it should be great.

Our half of the one hour show will feature Geoff
Notkin, Mike Miller, Sonney Clary, Keith Jenkerson and
Myself. It will detail a recent Glorieta Mountain
hunting trip where we found on and off camera 12
Glorieta "Gems" by 3:30 p.m. and 16 total for the day!

The second half of the show will spotlight Steve
Arnold along with Geoff Notkin finding meteorites in
the Brenham strewn field that most of us only dream

This show is unique in that they insisted that nothing
be staged or set-up. Everything was real! There was no
planting meteorites, we were asked to just go and see
what we could do. I think most of us were pleased to
come up with what we did.

The specimens were small averaging only about 10 or 12
grams each. But as anyone who has ever hunted Glorieta
knows, one could walk for days and never get close to
these extra-terrestrial gems.

Check out some of the pictures:

Geoff, Mike, Sonny, Keith, Me before the cameras


Keep Out!

Me and Becky(host of the show) finding the first
glorieta meteorite on camera!



Mike, Sonny, Ruben, Geoff and Luke the "camera man"

Me and Geoff

Our finds by 3:30 pm

Ruben Garcia

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