Dear Geoff-python, Darren,
I would put in a meteorite ranch and conduct a meteorite rodeo some nice Dean-NWA's, plant them in a field and charge tourists to hunt meteorites and certify the NWA" (let them know they are NWA"S, "TRANSPLANTED ORPHAN METEORITE HUNTS" ON THE BRENHAM SITE......$5,000 PER PERSON PER DAY!!!!
Just be sure to only plant one per 5 acres and GPS the location so one could help the customer only find one 1,000 gram specimen trophy at the Meteorite ranch rodeo. Yahooooo buckeroos.  Oh, plant a hundred Honda cars all on end along a fence row too for fun.  Paint flames on them.
Dave F.

Darren Garrison wrote:
On Thu, 11 May 2006 21:21:06 -0700, you wrote:

the past ten years. Once Steve and Phil figured out how to find the 
deeply-buried Brenhams with new techniques and technology, Stimpson 
copied them, and has been trying to jump on their bandwagon ever since. 

To be fair, if someone came along and started pulling meteorites out of the
ground on the property "next door" to yours, wouldn't YOU want to copy them and
jump on the bandwagon?
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