
You are not being repaid for the freebies that you sent for my website/collection! You asked for nothing in return and I have no money to pay you. I don't feel any obligation to anyone for my website, compiled over the past 10 years, so if you think there's a quid pro quo, or a feeling from me that you are "supporting" it, well I'm sorry to tell you that's not the case. I am under no obligation to include anything you have given me on my website. I include what I want.

This conversation about NWA 011 is long in coming, and I'm glad to finally get it off my shoulders. You are a slick dude no doubt, and finding yourself in Serge's room with a chance to grab the NWA 011 that he brought for me and Al must have made you sweat. I congratulate you for screwing poor hapless Al who has only been in the meteorite trade business for 40 fricking years. I'm glad you were there to hold his hand and show him how it was done. You did good my boy. You sold 4 mg for what you bought the whole lot for. Well done. Let's not tell everyone how you screwed those who actually paid your exhorbitant prices. Thank God you gave me my milligram for FREE. I'm proud to own it and feel very priviledged. By my thinking, I should have been offered the largest 22 mg piece of NWA 011 for $500... that's what the alternate history (without Hupes) would have brought me. But you are the hero and most everything in life is more important than this stone.

DavidAdam Hupe wrote:
Dear David,

They have been informed about the web-site error and it will be taken care
from what I was told. Like everybody already knows, opinions are subject to
change, especially with new isotope data. Dr. Irving would be happy to
discuss the new developments with you in regards to NWA 3133 since he has
respect for what you have done with your web-site.  Speaking of your
web-site, I feel it is very good and we have donated several things to you
for free of charge in support of a this good cause and this is how we are

Thank You,


. ----- Original Message ----- From: "David Weir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Adam Hupe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] World's Meteorite Shows

Still, you had no business interfering with Allan's and my deal. You
didn't even know Serge nor what was going down, you merely put your big
arse into something where it didn't belong. History would be different
if you had minded your own business instead of screwing Al and myself
(which you didn't even know you were doing in my case).

As for changing the subject to the pairing of 1839 and 3133, I told you
before I don't bother busy scientists with crap that you start, but
rather, I read published documents for my information. The information
that you clainm is incorrect is published by Drs. Ted Bunch and James
Wittke on the NAU website and is currently still there. Ask them to
remove it for the sake of accuracy in the field of meteoritics, for this
is what I will refer to on this issue, and nothing Adam Hupe says will
change that.


Adam Hupe wrote:
Dear David,

You do not know what you are talking about. That was when there was only
milligrams of crumbs on the market with no known pairings. Serge was
$500.00 for the crumbs and Al was ready to walk away.  After convincing
about there desirability was he willing to partner with us on the
Al ended up with a good portion of the crumbs. The price was established
collectors at auction, not by me. If you recall the first piece was
by Al in partnership at a Blood auction with no minimum bid.

By the way, It has been cleared with both Dr. Irving and Dr. Bunch for
to contact them in regards to previous statements you made that are in

Kind Regards,


----- Original Message ----- From: "David Weir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Adam Hupe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] World's Meteorite Shows

Adam Hupe wrote:
  They have been asking outrageous
prices for everything including $95,000.00 for a supposed pairing to
011/2400 and $300,000.00 for an untested Martian rock.
Dear Adam,

You don't suppose this price for a NWA 011 pairing might have anything
to do with you, do you? After all, it was you who interfered in a deal
between myself, Al Lang, and Serge Afanisiev that I had researched for
two years prior to Tucson 2003 and arranged for Al to make a deal for
the filings that Serge said he had available. This was all long before
you took up your short-lived "partnership" with Al. I'm sure you have a
different take on things, but I will always feel that you turned around
and bought the NWA 011 filings out from under Al, not letting him
complete the deal in his intelligent way with his longtime friend.

Then you sold the material at auction, and thereafter, for several
hundred dollars per MILLIGRAM. Gee, thanks for making sure the price of
this material stays reasonable for us collectors. In my opinion you
no right to complain about the high pricing of this material, and you
should be proud of yourself that the paired find NWA 2400 was also
offered at $3000/g by Terry Boswell and his "partner in crime" Ron
Farrell. Perhaps this new pairing will also be consistent with the high
prices that YOU initiated. Thanks again. You should have stayed out of
this deal of mine and Al Lang's and most likely we wouldn't be seeing
these exorbitant prices for this unique basaltic eucrite-like
Hey, and thanks for the free milligram of NWA 011 you gave me rather
than, say, 4 milligrams... after all, it was MY initiation (with due
credit to Norbert Classen who helped in the search for this material).

Okay, I'm over it. Have a great day Adam.


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