Darren (and Listees),
You seem to have little problem expressing your opinion on this list so I hope you don't mind if I share not only a few of my opinions but also some hard facts.

When John Blennert says he's independently wealthy he is being modest. He's a self-made man who got to where he is by working hard and making good business decisions. How many people do you know that retired at 50?

You have pointed out (by your suggestion that he purchase a book about writing well) that his grammar and spelling are not up to your standards. Those of us who know John personally have known this for years and accept it as part of his unique personality. I get a big kick out of JBs writing style. But, his shortfalls in the composition department are minuscule compared to the good things he's done for meteorites. In addition to being a devoted and productive meteorite hunter, John works behind the scenes providing museums, research facilities and universities with FREE meteorite specimens. John has never...NEVER...sold a meteorite. He has, however, donated meteorite specimens to scores of institutions and facilities over the past 6 or 7 years. He has also placed much of his personal collection on public display at the Flandrau Science Center located on the campus of the University of Arizona. Because of his generosity, the public and students alike have access to meteorites that wouldn't be available otherwise.

John was the co-finder of the Gold Basin meteorite strewnfield along with his partner Jim Kreigh, that is a fact. Jim got the credit for the actual find, but John hunted side-by-side with him on every trip that was made to Gold Basin in the beginning. Additionally, John has found the following new meteorites that I can remember off the top of my head. King Tut, White Elephant, Dos Cabezas, Roach Dry Lake 002, Hualapai Wash 021. He also has several others that are currently being worked on.

Those people who know John personally will tell you he's not one to BS or exaggerate. If John Blennert claims his statements about Oman and Mike Farmer are true, that's good enough for me. I am privy to more information but I won't go into details here. If anyone is considering going to Oman for the purpose of hunting meteorites, you might want to talk to JB before you go.


At 09:42 AM 5/22/2006, Darren Garrison wrote:
On Mon, 22 May 2006 08:40:21 -0700, you wrote:

>being interrogated I was offered 100,000 RE to get him to come there. For
>those of you unfamiliar with Omanie monies that's equivalent to $238,000.00


>Tucson? Well lucky for Mike that I'm independently wealthy and don't need
>there chump change.

I'm curious-- just how "independently wealthy" does one have to be before he can
concider $238,000 to be "chump change"?  (Maybe you should concider tossing a
few of those millions of dollars at a copy of this
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