Hi Ed!

I was a newbie two years ago with a number of years as a rock collector before that, so we share a common ground.

Meteorites are a wonderful hobby but you already know that.  :-)
As you have seen on the list there are some fighting and shouting but when you ignore that you realise that it is a wonderful source of information and a great place to ask questions.

So, go on and ask your questions. As I always says, there is no stupid questions but the ones you don't ask. I think there are more beginners out there and we will all learn from the answers.


Ed Deckert wrote:

I'm quite new to the group, but thought that I have been "lurking around" long enough and would like to introduce myself. My name is Ed Deckert, and I live in North Carolina. I am brand spanking new to collecting meteorites, but have been collecting terrestrial rocks and minerals for several years. I also do some lapidary work (cutting and polishing rocks and minerals) and hope to apply that to meteorites as well.

Like the proverbial "kid in a candy store," I have been buying up various specimens to start building a collection. I got bitten by the meteorite bug at a recent Astronomy related event (Tri Star) that is cosponsored by my local Astronomy Club. I have purchased some bulk NWA material that I am going to make available at next year's Tri Star as a fund raiser for my club, donating all profit to the club (probably at the expense of a few extra bucks on my part giving away some pieces to kids and teachers - but I've been doing similar things with the terrestrial minerals for years, so it actually will feel good.)

I hope to learn much from this group, and I do hope that when I ask a newbie question, nobody takes offense.

Regards for now,

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