Oh brother.
I should be thanking him for
(a) posting a list of vulger/tastless/lewed/sexually oriented words to a...
(b) mailing list intended for the discussion of meteorites?
SO WHAT if he is exposing someone.  The man has a penchant for stating the obvious.  BIG DEAL.  THAT WASN"T MY POINT  (YES, I AM SHOUTING).
Do you really want THOSE WORDS in the list archives?
If the guy bought your domian name the YOU let it lapse, in which case it wasn't your domain name anymore.  You obviously didn't care enough about it to re-register it so why would you care if he wanted to sell back to you? 
Personally, on a meteorite list, I don't care if there are domain name scaplers.  Maybe we should all join the I HATE DOMAIN NAME SCALPERS list server so we can talk about meteorites.
Gee, and people sometimes wonder why most the scientists left the list years ago.
Look at our favorite auction site.  Do you think everyone who has meteorites for salel on ebay are collectors?  I don't.  Maybe we should all expose them for the true non-collectors that they are.  Maybe we can list stuff they selling that are not meteorites.
Oh my goodness.  I just realized.  A while back I listed some of my wifes dolls and some used kids clothing on ebay.  Man, I am glad no one caught it and exposed me to the list
Well, I just 2.5 hours on the phone dealing with an insurance company, who admitted they were wrong but they want me to pay for their mistake.  Lets all start a thread on why I HATE INSURANCE COMPANIES.
-Walter "Not Afraid to Sign My Name" Branch
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 4:27 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Sale: LUNARMETEORITE.COM Domain name for sale onEbay

Darren was just posting a list of other URLs that "Mike" was scalping.
I believe he did that to prove that this guy was not a fellow collector just trying to sell a domain name he had got tired of using but rather a SCALPER
As Darren said, these guys are the lowest of the low, I had a guy buy my own domain and then he tried to sell it back to me once he realized no one would pay his inflated price.
Instead of admonishing Darren EVERYONE should be thanking him.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 3:19 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Sale: LUNARMETEORITE.COM Domain name for sale onEbay

Hi Walter, Derren & "Mike"
        I followed this posting thread for a couple of reasons, and had
some problems with it - each and every one - I hope we can all learn
from (This is not "aimed" at you individuals - this is to point out
common behavior from which we can all learn):
1 - The person who initially posted signed his post only "Mike"
and there is no definitively identifying element in his email
address. So, was this from
Mike Blood
Mike Farmer
Mike Jensen
Mike Massey
Mike Martinez
Mike Cottingham
Mike Franco
Mike Fowler
Mike Miller
Mike Tettenborn
or some other Mike that does not immediately come to mind?
I see this frequently and it drives me nuts. I have no problem
when someone signs their first name IF (like I) they have their
last name as part of their email address - but when they do not,
it makes me batty. With WHOM are we dealing? In addition, people
likely make guesses and sometimes guess wrong, crediting
(or blaming) someone else uninvolved simply because they share
the same first name. (This is not such a problem with unique or
very uncommon names like Moni or Norbert, but are a nightmare
with almost all others, such as the Mikes, Bobs, Jims, Pauls, etc,
etc, etc.)
        Therefore, PLEASE sign your posts fully if your last name
is not part of your email address.

2. The next person to post has a couple of problems in his post:
he "attacked" the original person to post (the anonymous "Mike"),
which is very poor form if not an outright  violation of list policy,
then followed up with a long list of website names that were far
from tasteful.

3. Finally, the last respondent failed to include the post of the
person to whom he was addressing his comments, requiring
those of us suffering from oldtimers' disease to go back and check
to see every post, in case we missed one or more to see just whom
it was being addressed.
        I do want to acknowledge that the honorable poster in this
instance may have been wanting to avoid further publication of
the tasteless list of names, but those could have been omitted
and at least included the name of the person to whom the post
was responding.

        So, there are my concerns with this thread - and the main
reason I bring them up is it represents FREQUENT errors made
in this list I would hope to see disappear (and NOT to "scold"
the particular people in this particular instance). They are:
1 - Make your identity clear when posting
2 - Be courteous and non-attacking in your responses
3 - Exclude any tasteless web names, etc.
4 - Make it clear to whom you are responding.
        To those of you who say, "Who are YOU to tell people how to
act on the list!?" I respond - just a list member hoping we can follow
the list rules and practice common sense to make the list a pleasant
experience for all of us. Some "protocol" is more than meaningless
cultural tradition. Some of it is there for very specific reasons & I
think the issues I have identified fit that category. These are not
just "pet peeves" of mine - the least are basic courtesy and at least 2 of
them are specified list rules.
        Again, my apologies to  Walter, Derren & "Mike" who merely
provided examples of very common behavior on the list and whom
are in no way exceptional in violation of protocol and/or rules.
        Best wishes, Michael (the one identified by my email address).


on 6/16/06 3:49 AM, Walter Branch at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> in which case I owe you an apology!
> I think you owe the list an apology.
> -Walter Branch
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"He is not a lover who does not love forever." - Euripides (485-406BC)
* If Jimmy cracks corn and no one  cares, why is there a song  about  him?

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