>===== Original Message From Christian Koeberl =====

Dear All,

We would like to draw your attention to a topical
session at 2006 Annual Meeting of the Geological
Society of America, in Philadelphia, USA, October
22-25, 2006

Session T121. Impact Craters: Structures, Drilling,
Ages, and Geophysics
sponsored by: GSA Planetary Geology Division;
International Continental Scientific Drilling Program
(ICDP); GSA Geophysics Division; GSA Structural
Geology and Tectonics Division; GSA Sedimentary
Geology Division
Chairs: Christian Koeberl, Jared R. Morrow

This session highlights recent advancements in
understanding the structural development,
geochronologic and stratigraphic dating, geophysical
characteristics, and numerical modeling of terrestrial
impact craters, including key data provided by ongoing
interdisciplinary and international crater-drilling
Oral and Posters.

For information contact either of the two organizers:

Abstract deadline (firm):  July 11, 2006

Submit an abstract to this session:

Meeting details:

Topical Session details:
(Go to T121)

Rationale: Recent research and technological
advancements, coupled with active, collaborative
drilling projects sponsored by the International
Continental Scientific Drilling Program, the U.S.
Geological Survey, and other organizations, have
generated important new data on the structural
development, numerical dating, geophysical properties,
and computer modeling of large hypervelocity impact
craters and associated impact-related phenomena. The
session will highlight these recent advances,
including progress reports on drilling projects at the
Chesapeake Bay crater, Virginia, the Bosumtwi crater,
Ghana, and the Chicxulub crater, Yucatan. It is
intended that this session will complement the 25th
anniversary recognition of the GSA Planetary Geology

Please pass on this note to all interested colleagues,
students, postdocs, etc., and hopefully some of you
will be able to submit contributions and attend the
session. Please note that there are two other sessions
at GSA (T122 and T142 - see GSA meeting link above)
that deal with related topics.

With best regards,
Christian Koeberl + Jared Morrow
Christian Koeberl
Department of Geological Sciences
University of Vienna
Althanstrasse 14
A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA

Tel.:   +43-1-4277-53110
Fax:    +43-1-4277-9534
Web:    www.univie.ac.at/geochemistry/koeberl/

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