Hello Bernd, Tracy, All,
Anyone can make a statement look good if they exclude all contrary evidence. 
Aside from Allende(2+t), Tagish Lake (10kg), and NWA 801(unknown kg)? 
Murchison 100+kg
DaG CO3's with a main mass of 95kg alone
Kainsaz 200+kg
Karoonda ~50kg
Even Bencubbin and Gujba were at least a hundred kilos each.
Anyone know of others?  I admit didn't put too much time into the research for this...just quick tkw referencing. 
Tracy's original statement of "...don't they seem to mostly fall in clumps of only a few stones?" applies to all meteorite types, not just carbonaceous chondrites.  Have a look at the catalogue of meteorites; the first page alone is enough for me, but if you continue reading, you'll see what I mean. 
If there's any discrepancy in these ratios at all, my best guess is that it would be due to their greater tendency to fragment while in the atmosphere due to their increased relative friability to other meteorites.  Either that or the fact that many tend to turn into mud within a few days or weeks of falling. 
Yeah, there aren't too many large falls, but then again, how many large falls are there in general?  Not many.....

On 25 Jul 2006 18:27:56 UT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
Tracy wrote:

"...don't they seem to mostly fall in clumps of only a few stones?"

Al Rais (CR2): A total weight of 160g fell near the city of Medina
Alais (CI): 2 stones, of about 4 and 2 kg respectively, fell
Banten (CM2): Four individuals, totalling 629g, were recovered
Bells (CM2): 6 fragments picked up
Boriskino (CM2): 2 stones recovered, 1165.6g together, 3 others destroyed
Crescent (CM2): Two stones were found, 72.7 g + 5.7 g
Erakot (CM2): One stone of 113g was recovered
Felix(CO3.3): a stone of about 7 lb was found
Haripura (CM2): a stone fell and broke into 2 pieces
Ivuna (CI): Two or three stones fell at Ivuna
Kaba (CV3): a stone of about 3 kg was found
Kaidun (CR): a single mass of 841.6g recovered from small impact pit
Kobe (CK4): one stone was recovered ... the total mass is 136 g
Mighei (CM2): a stone of over 8 kg was seen to fall
Mokoia (CV3): several stones seen to fall, 2 of about 5lb each recovered
Nawapali (CM2): 3 stones appear to have fallen but only 3 small fragments
               of about 30g, 20g and 10g preserved
Ningqiang (CK3): a single stone, in 4 fragments of total weight 4.6 kg
Nogoya (CM2): a stone of about 4 kg fell
Orgueil (CI): about 20 stones
Ornans (CO3.4 ): a stone of about 6 kg fell and broke into two pieces
Pollen (CM2): a stone of 253.6g fell on the Pollen farm
Revelstoke (CI): search yielded 2 small fragments, together about 1 g
Sayama (CM2): a 430 gr stone was found
Tonk (CI): shower of small stones; a total weight of 7.7 g collected
Vigarano (CV3.3): 11.5 kg and 4.5 kg



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