I will have some Moss too -- but probably not until around the end of the
month.  I expect that collectors will be able to get pieces for some time.

    Eric Twelker

> Ok, today was a rough day with paying bills, taking
> care of the usual things after a 3 week absence, and
> trying to collect my precious cargo from Sweden
> without success!
> I will focus on selling some of the Moss meteorite
> tomorrow. I must recover some of the nearly $7000 I
> spent on the trip to Norway and Sweden. Anyone who
> thinks meteorite hunting is cheap needs to try it
> sometime! 
> I will prefer to do private sales as I have too many
> small pieces to photograph and put on the website as I
> normally do. I know from the response to my emails
> over the last couple of weeks I will have most of the
> material sold rapidly. I have too many emails from the
> trip to go through quickly, so Anyone wanting a piece
> needs to email me ASAP with the amount they want to
> spend and I can try to accommodate them.
> I will offer it for $200.00 per gram. I have many
> pieces with fusion crust, but that will run out fast,
> so if you want crust, I need to know like now.
> Anyone who thinks this is a high price needs to think
> again. I have already sold my largest piece for that
> amount, and Bob Haag and I had lunch today and he also
> wont sell for less as he bought his pieces.
> There are only 5 witnessed falls of CO3 meteorites in
> the world, Moss if confirmed as a CO3 will make that
> #6. 
> So here we go, let the sales begin!
> Moss Norway, fell July 14th, 2006 at ~10:15 am in the
> Ostfold region including the towns of Rygge and Moss.
> So far, just over 3 kilograms known. 50% of this is
> already in Museum hands and totally out of the running
> for sales. 
> After a month of searching by over 20 meteorite
> hunters and dealers, I highly doubt that much more
> will be recovered if any at all.
> Michael Farmer
> By the way, I will build a great webpage with photos
> as soon as my film arrives from Sweden.
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