Good evening list.I just talked to bob haag and another good friend in the meteorite community and I am getting 2 different sides as to what is available for private collecters.This concerns the amount of the new MOSS meteorite that is available.We all know that there so far has been found around 3.1 kilo's so far,and that might be it.Bob haag told me that with some of the big specimens all are going to museums,others are staying put in private collections,and after that there will be less than a kilo for most private collecters.Well good news for me is got my 2.62 gram fragment with crust from mike farmer.So I got my piece of the pie.But on the other end,another friend told me that he alone could get a kilo if he wanted to.Ok so where is that coming from,if there is less that a kilo to the private sector? I need to be educated on this matter.Any help will help!
                                               steve arnold,chicago,usa!!

Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120
Illinois meteorites,since 1999!

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