Hello List,

Björn wrote (in a private mail):

"Would like to see your comments. Also from a scientific point of view"

Here's my response (excerpts - I'm leaving out my private remarks) because
I think this is of general interest to all of us who acquired a piece of this 
enigmatic meteorite:

There is not very much I can say about the Moss meteorite as I don't know it in 
person - I've only seen some pictures so far. It looks very much like a CO or a 
CK chondrite. I don't believe it is a Kakangari-like meteorite (see David 
Weir's previous post to the List) but if it was one, that would be a blast, of 
course! If it is a KAK, it should have some of these characteristics:

- its oxidation state resembles that of enstatite chondrites
- there is a high abundance of pyroxene (more than olivine)
- its oxygen isotopes are comparable to those of CH or CR chondrites
- a high metal content similar to that of H chondrites.

If Jeff Kuyken's observation (see his website) about Moss chondrule size is 
correct, 0.25-0.30 mm, this would favor a CO classification. CK chondrites tend 
to have a chondrule size of 0.8 mm. KAK meteorites have a chondrule size of 
0.69 mm (according to Hutchison). Jeff's estimate of the volume of chondrules 
(about 50%) would also favor a CO classification (40 vol %) instead of 15 vol % 
for CK's or 19% for KAK. Whatever it is, it is a beautiful, pristine new fall 



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