Hi all - 

If this were true we should be seeing more meteorites
on Mars - either that, or the MER teams aren't looking
for them - or wind blown dust has buried them - 

In any case, they should be giving us surface ages for
Mars where the MERs are, and they aren't.

By the way, several years ago I spotted what I thought
was a tektite in the Pathfinder imagery - a 39k image
file, which I sent on to the list. (Sorry about that.)
 Since we've now seen Martian tektites - the
"blueberries", can we change that to meteorite, and
could I now get credit for spotting the first
meteorite on Mars -

I'm sure some people here have analyzed tangential
entry on Mars - 

good hunting,

--- Robert Woolard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mark, List,
>   There was an article in either Astronomy or Sky
> and
> Telescope just a few years ago about how Mars would
> actually be a GREAT place to find meteorites. I have
> to leave now and can't search for it, but I'm sure
> some of the members will remember it. The article
> essentially stated that the Martian atmosphere was
> thick enough to prevent cosmic velocity impacts of
> most meteoroids (unlike on the Moon, which results
> in
> vaporization of the impacting body), but not so
> thick
> to cause total atmospheric ablation (unlike on
> Earth).
> The results would be that MANY  meteorites would
> make
> it to the surface of Mars. The article even
> mentioned
> the estimated number of meteorites per square
> kilometer that should be visible. I can't recall
> that
> number now, but I do remember that it was VERY high.
>   Best wishes,
>   Robert Woolard   
> --- mark ford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > > 
> > Presumably then a similar story is true for
> Martian
> > meteorites? Any
> > trace of chondritic material in Martians?
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Mark
> > 
> >   _____  
> > 
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