Good morning list.I have 3 auctions ending in the next 4 hours with 4
ongoing.Ending today are 3 meteorite magazines,a slice of NWA 2122,A 10.2
GRAM SLICE,and NWA 2779,a 19 gran slice.On going are a 6 x 8 nice riker
box,also a 1.3 gram fragment of ADRIAN,TEXAS,also a 100.1 gram endcut of
GORONYO,NIGERIA laden with nice fusion crust on the backside,and finally a
210 gram BIG FULL SLICE OF ZAG, H3-6 witness fall.Rememeber to bid high
and bid often.Thanks for looking!!

steve arnold,chicago, usa!!

                Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 

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