Press Release Images: Opportunity
On the Verge of 'Victoria'

Once it was more like a distant dream, the ultimate bonus to an already
marvelous Martian mission. Now, NASA's Mars Exploration Rover
Opportunity is on the brink of the expansive "Victoria Crater," a
depression that truly makes those on the path to it look like dimples.
At about 800 meters (nearly half-a-mile) in diameter, Victoria is five
times larger then "Endurance Crater."

This image from Opportunity's navigation camera is labeled to highlight
features of the large crater. Victoria Crater is informally named for
the flagship of Ferdinand Magellan's 16th-Century expedition around the
world, and many the features of Victoria will be informally named for
places visited by that expedition.

The feature labeled in dark yellow as "Bright Crater" is another crater
just outside the far rim of Victoria. At 30 to 40 meters (98 to 131
feet) in diameter, the depression is larger than Opportunity's landing
site, "Eagle Crater." Labeled in bright purple is "Duck Crater," a small
dimple on the near side of Victoria Crater (the name is used as a
placeholder until the team decides if it will name it or not). Other
distant craters are labeled in bright blue.

On the far right of the image is "Kitty Clyde's Sister," a highly
degraded crater informally named for a boat in John Wesley Powell's
19th-Century expedition through the Grand Canyon.

The science and engineering teams are strategizing on the best way to
approach, and possibly enter, Victoria Crater.

This image was taken on the rover's 943th sol on Mars (Sept. 18, 2006).

Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech


Mars Orbiter Camera View of 'Victoria'

This image from the Mars Orbiter Camera aboard NASA's Mars Global
Surveyor spacecraft shows an overview of "Victoria Crater" and a portion
of the area NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has covered to
reach the enormous depression.

The crater is about 800 meters (half a mile) in diameter. North is up.

Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS


Overview of Approach to 'Victoria'

Images such as this one from the Mars Orbiter Camera on NASA's Mars
Global Surveyor are helping scientists and engineers decide the best
path for NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity as it approaches
"Victoria Crater."

A blue dot indicates "Cape Verde" and a red dot "Cabo Frio." These two
points mark the extent of the crater visible from the rover's position
on its 945th Martian day, or sol (Sept. 20, 2006), a location it had
reached two sols earlier and from which much of this monster depression
was still out of sight. The green annotations indicate "Duck Bay," a
location expected to allow a view to the other side of the crater. A
dune, or ripple, is to the left of the crater, right in front of the
green dot location. This is where the team initially talked about
sending Opportunity for the rover's first view down into the crater.
After further consideration, the team opted for a drive to the right of
that ripple (south of the green dot) near the rim.

The yellow lines that surround and intersect Victoria Crater are used to
measure the crater and the distance to the far "bays." North is up.
Victoria Crater is about 800 meters (half a mile) in diameter.

Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
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