Title: Re: 'Science Stud' Hosts PBS Show on KillerAsteroids

Hi Bob,

Actually, my part only appears on the Nova ScienceNow website as
a web video; the main story is about Apophis, and although meteorites
are obviously tangentially related to asteroid impacts, the linkage
wasn't direct enough to survive the editing process for the ~12-minute
broadcast segment.  Still, I'm looking forward to seeing the show
since I haven't yet seen any of the footage from Neil's visits to
JPL, Santa Monica and the Rose Bowl... --Rob

-----Original Message-----
To: Meteorite-list Meteoritecentral
Sent: 10/3/2006 3:42 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Re: 'Science Stud' Hosts PBS Show on KillerAsteroids


This is the episode in which the "Science Stud"
interviews List member Rob Matson out "in the field"
in the Mojave Desert on a meteorite hunt.

A must see program for tonight,

Bob V.

Meteorite-list mailing list

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