Doug wrote:

> In 20 years a Moon Colony will be established...

Hi Doug, and All,

20 years ago a lot of people believed: "In 20 years a Mars Colony will be
established..." In Kubrick's 2001 we even made it to Jupiter, and its moon
Europa in a shorter period of time. And look at where we are now - they
(ESA, NASA, etc.) are even having big troubles in getting the ISS ready
until 2010, not to speak about returning to the Moon :-(

Don't get me wrong, I'd be the first to book a room in the Luna Hilton, and
I perfectly agree that our future is out there... I'm just trying to be a
bit more realistic ,-)

> Just a few thoughts on the future from our snapshot in time.
> And before ideologies change and we catch up to it...

Yeap, ideologies and paradigms change pretty fast, these days... But, to
come back to meteorites, I believe Martin is right - meteorites are a
non-renewable resource. Maybe they might be recycleable up to some point, as
you say, but just imagine that the number of collectors might double in a
few years, and then again double in a few years more, etc., and all those
tiny "stocks" we have now will be a drop lost in an ocean.

Exponentially yours,

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