Hi Dave and Greg,

Informed decisions cannot be made in the vacuum of a
lack of knowledge.

I agree with you. I just question the reliability and validity of the knowledge.

When these type posts are made, there is a lot of heated, emotional and sometimes inflammatory discourse. People talk a lot but rarely say anything.

I am not meaning to defame or otherwise antagonize anyone, least all the parties involved but to use another analogy, there is a lot of smoke but no fire and smoke is often used as "smokescreen."

In these posts I see a lot of name-dropping, accusations of wrongdoing and dishonesty but little data. People quote rules for others to follow then break them themselves. If someone says yyy is paired to zzz then show the data. If someone says some scientist said this or that then give us a direct, verifiable quote. If someone says something has been published then give us the URL or something. If a certain TKW is stated tell us why this is so. Etc...

I too, like to make informed decisions but the quality of my decisions is only as good as the data that goes into my decision and my point with all this is that I need good, hard data.

I get very little usable information from these type posts, surely not enough to judge the reputation of a dealer. Show me, and others, the data.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Dave Carothers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Walter Branch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2006 11:10 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [ebay] ending in about 2 days

Good morning, Walter,

I hope this finds you well.

As Greg, Adam, and Stan were the originators of his thread, I thought it
only right that I cc them in my response to you.

While I'm sure that most people would rather not have to read arguements and
verbal fist-fights on the list, most of these type of arguements (like the
one at present between Stan and the Hupes) are IMHO beneficial and useful to
the community as a whole.  With collectors paying $8, $50, $500, or $1,000
per gram for meteorites, we need to make sure we are dealing with reputable sellers and we need to ensure that the descriptions used in the ads are fair
and accurate representations of the meteorites being sold.  The only
"policing mechanism" we have is ourselves and the only real tools we have to
combat phoney or misrepresentative meteorite sales is education and public
disclosure.  Public disclosure serves two functions --- it is the means of
providing education to the community and it is also the "stick" that keeps
everything above board and, hopefully, honest.

I'll use my own public discourse with Steve (Chicago) Arnold in July/August of this year to make my point. In the past, when informing Steve PRIVATELY of his misrepresentations in his sales of meteorites, he would respond with "Mind your own business" and ignore the situation. It was only through the
sting of public disclosure that he would actually make changes to his
misleading sales ads.  Of course, he would play up to the readers as being
put upon and unjustly persecuted, but the objective had been achieved.  1)
He made the change to the misleading statements in his ads and 2) His
propensity for making misleading statements in his ads was now made public
so the community could then make an informed decision if they wanted to deal
with him.  At least potential buyers were put on notice to research the
items Steve (Chicago) Arnold was selleing to ensure they were getting what
they paid for.

Informed decisions cannot be made in the vacuum of a lack of knowledge.
Once again, it is my opinion that the free-flow of information, even in
arguementative forms, is a useful endeavor.  Everyone in our community
should know of these happenings and hear from both sides of the arguement.
They can then make up their own minds as to who is telling the truth and who
to believe or not.

For what it is worth... my $0.02.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Walter Branch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2006 9:09 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [ebay] ending in about 2 days

Hello Everyone,

Does anyone, other than the parties directly involved actually read and
careabout these periodic postings to the list.

If so, please email me in private.  I do not forward private email.  I
report aggregated data to the list.  Not meaning to slight the parties
involved, I would just like to get a sense of how important these
are to list members.

-Walter Branch

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