Sorry it was link error in previous email!

Good day, meteorite lovers!

I made a Christmas gift for meteorite dealers, who are selling
meteorites on eBay.
There were created a "lenses" on Squidoo site for everyone listed on
my page on the left side.

Please take a minute to see those lenses.
If somebody interested in his lens, I shall add more info to this page.
Just request and sent me by email some additional info:
1. A picture(or few pictures) - it can be your own person, or your
meteorite, or whatever you like to be placed.
2. Your email address if you like insert it. If you do not like share
your email address, please let me know. I'll insert your email and/or
your personal name only if you ask me do that.
3. Some text, better described your interests, or your business, or
you meteorites, or just whatever you like to say people.

When I insert those info to your page, I'll add meta tags to this
page, which are better describe information on this page. After that,
very soon, your page should be find on top pages in search engines
(first of all, in Google).

4. Best of all - I will add your favorite links to other sites, when
you sent me those links and a short description of your favorite
That is good for promote your very own site or/and your friends sites,
or just sites that you are like, so, your favorite.
This is good for increase your site page ranking in all search engines.

I add the RSS codes to all of those lenses. This is one of the sample
how to use your own RSS feeds.
But not only a sample. You may insert links to your lens into your own
site, or into eBay "About me" page, or just into end of your emails
for better promote your own eBay listings.
Non eBay sellers, but eBay buyers may bookmark favorite sellers lenses
for easy watch their auctions.

Please sent me request and info just in email in free form. As soon as
I get it I'll add it to your lens and inform you.

Thanks for looking! And Merry Christmas!

Sincerely yours,

Please add my RSS feed (wwwsikhote) from my page


wwwsikhote on ebay

Please add my RSS feed (wwwsikhote) from my page


wwwsikhote on ebay
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