While I do not wish to give out a complete blow by blow of the legal
case. I do wish to squash Mr. Evan's weak attempt to confuse the issue.

The court was made fully aware of the material that was offered as the
first 1/5 of your part of the trade.  The judge examined it and was
amused. Had Mr. Evans bothered to respond, he would have known this. Had
Mr. Evans bothered to show up he would have seen the judge playing with
meteorites like a child with a new toy. The court was also aware that Mr
Evans did not complete the trade and did not send the Park Forest.
Further, that he then stopped communicating in any way with me past
March 2006. The suit is now public record in Williamson County for those
who wish to review.

The court reduced the the judgment against Mr. Evans by the value of the
material as priced by various websites. My piece given to Mr. Evans was
a 1.44kg Wellman(f). Current price on it is $4/g (~$5,760). His were
some Martian specks valued at less than $1,000.

Mr. Evans was mailed a copy of the ruling by the court, and did not
attempt to appeal during the appeal period. The appeal period has now

Bob's words were "See you in court" in response to my June 2006 met-list
post. I tried hard not to make that post, I sent Mr. Evans several
emails asking for ANY response from him. I left voice mail. I sent 2
emails (private & ebay) saying if he don't respond I'll have to make a
public posting of this issue.  He could have easily avoided that
posting. I WANTED to avoid that posting. But he remained silent until I
was forced to make that post.

Now Mr. Evans remained silent until he was sued.  I don't understand. He
could have easily avoided all of this. Just play nice.


> You left out the part where you failed to disclose to the court the
> fact 
> that you received thousands of dollars worth of Planetary and
> Achondrite 
> meteorites from me.
> Now, why would you do that Mccartney? Shouldnt you have told the
> court 
> everything? You are an honest guy, right?
> Lets continue this conversation in Tucson. I cant wait to see you
> this 
> coming February.

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