This wasn't on our cameras, because they had shut down for dawn just 
minutes before. But I've received a lot of witness reports because of 
all the Denver news coverage. This was a large, but not extraordinary 
fireball. All the attention here is just because it happened at commute 
hour and a lot of people saw it. There were at least five fireballs over 
Colorado last night, including a very impressive one at 03:37 that was 
caught on three cameras.

Most reports have been from along the Front Range, and generally all 
point in the same direction. Comparing those with reports from Crested 
Butte and Silt suggests this terminated somewhere north of the Grand 
Mesa. Can't do much better than that with what I've got so far. Some of 
the news sources out west will probably pick up on the story tonight and 
tomorrow, so hopefully I'll get more reports from that direction. It was 
seen as far west as Salt Lake City.

Both western witnesses saw it break up while it was traveling slowly 
enough to glow orange. That means it could have dropped some meteorites. 
Not much chance of finding anything, however, except by blind luck.


Chris L Peterson
Cloudbait Observatory

----- Original Message ----- 
To: <>
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2006 1:39 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Bolide over Denver.

> Here is the only report I have seen so far  (Thanks to Ron  Pearson)
> 0abe-421a-01ef-cdaa7f7efc78&TEMPLATEID=0c76dce6-ac1f-02d8-0047-
> c589c01ca7bf
> Anybody  jumping in cars or planes to come look??    :-)
> Anne M.  Black

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