Hi All,

I'm tired of visiting the petrologic lab of our local university each time I
want to accurately weigh a new sample. Besides that, I would love to have a
small but precise portable scale that I could carry to the shows...

Since I'm mostly into micros, and more rare meteorites, such as lunar or
martians, I'm looking for an affordable but precise digital pocket scale,
best with 1mg or 2mg resolution, and now I'm wondering how accurate the more
common gem and diamond scales actually are. Does anyone of you, collectors
and dealers, have some experience with the accuracy, and properties of one
of the following scales?

- Gempro 50 (My Weight)
- JS-VG 20 (Jennings)
- JPG 10 (JScale Precision/Jennings)

These are the ones that seem to be more common. Would you recommend the one
or the other? Any other scales that you could recommend?

Thanks for your input, and for your advice!

All the best,

Planetary Meteorites

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