on 12/14/06 4:34 PM, ensoramanda at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi
> Has anybody got details of times and location of the 2007 Tucson show.
Hi Graham,
        "The Week" Most people attend are the week before and the weekend
of .... The "Birthday Bash" Fri, Feb 2 and the Tucson Meteorite Auction on
Sat, Feb 3For Info and directions SEE HERE:

        Those who can't spend a whole week go for the Fri & Sat
of the bash and auction. That is also when all the meteorite
dealers are there - most start showing up early that week -
some leave as soon as Sunday afternoon, but most are there
until at least Mon & they all are there that weekend.
        Best wishes, Michael

It is difficult to get a man to understand something if his
salary depends on him not understanding it.
  - Upton Sinclair 
What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know.
It is what we know for sure that just ain't so.
   - Josh Billings (but oft credited to  Mark Twain)


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