Hear! Hear! [or is it Here! Here!]
Jerry Flaherty
----- Original Message ----- 
To: <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2006 5:53 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] 2007 Peoples Choice Harvey Award Nominee

> Hello Everybody,
> As the time is getting close, perhaps now we should think about the
> tradition started last year (is that an oxymoran or what?) at the Birthday
> Bash, with the 2007 Peoples Choice Harvey Award.
> White it is preferred that winners attend the 2007 Tucson show, where the
> treasured awards are given away by Geoff Notkin and Steve "Brenham" 
> Arnold,
> an exception was made last year. Due to Bernd years of contributions,  I
> would humbly like to nominate list contributor Bernd Pauli for the 2007
> People's Choice Harvey Award Nominee.
>>From helping me and others off-list, to providing short references, for 
> own general meteorite observations, or sharing those such as Buchwald
> comments, answering questions and the general sharing of information. And
> interesting to note, in my 5-6 years as a list member, I can not remember
> one AD by you...surely there is one in those archives....somewhere...:^)
> A true collector, an honest man and a valued friend of many...I imagine I
> can speak for most of the list Bernd when I say "Thank You!" to you and 
> your
> wife. (Perhaps more so the later or we would never have Bernd in our 
> e-mail
> boxes). You are model for the list and we do appreciate your efforts.
> Clear Skies,
> Mark Bostick
> Kansas Meteorite Society, Founder/Board Member
> International Meteorite Collectors Association, Co-Founder (Round 2)/Board
> Member/Treasure
> Wichita Gem and Mineral Society Member
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