> Could someone clarify something which ahs been
> bothering me for years about this gravity assist
> technique?
> Why does the spacecraft come out of the gravity well
> going faster than it went in without thrust?
> Why does this not apply to spacecraft?

It does apply.  Gravity assists always involve 3 bodies, 
and the relative velocities to each other.
In this case, the three bodies are the spacecraft,
Jupiter and Sun.  After New Horizons flies by Jupiter,
there is no velocity change RELATIVE TO JUPITER.
But the spacecraft does pick up extra velocity RELATIVE 
TO THE SUN. In return, Jupiter will slow down RELATIVE 
TO THE SUN.   The velocity changes RELATIVE TO THE SUN 
are related to their respective masses.  Since the 
spacecraft is so much smaller in mass than Jupiter, 
the velocity increase for the spacecraft is rather 
substantial.  Jupiter's slowdown will be very 
miniscule because of its larger mass.

Make sense now? 

Ron Baalke
Meteorite-list mailing list

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