I reviewed the little I had regarding the Honolulu fall, and have to make a 
retraction -- or maybe a redirection.  Although my material cannot confirm 
whether any fragments struck ships at anchor in the harbor, several did fall 
on and around the mission house settlement by the harbor, one striking 
"coral rock", which was commonly used for construction of walls and houses.  
Before I could definitively say Honolulu was a hammer, I'd have to do more 
research to confirm it, but it's not unlikely.

BTW, I think my statement came from misreading the original article in Aloha 
Airline's inflight magazine; it said that sailors from the Russian frigate 
Predpriatie took meteoric fragments back to Russia with them.  I had thought 
that meant they collected pieces that fell on the ship.  Apparently they 
instead collected them on the mission house grounds and brought them aboard. 
  My small piece at least has that likely provenance!

Tracy Latimer

>From: Michael L Blood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: tracy latimer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,Meteorite List 
>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Honolulu
>Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2007 12:17:38 -0800
>         I would love to add Honolulu to my list of hammers. Do you
>(or anyone else) know of ANY reference to any stones from this
>fall hitting a ship? If so, please provide the source.
>         RSVP
>         Thanks, Michael
>on 1/22/07 9:55 AM, tracy latimer at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Honolulu --  might also count as a hammer,
> > since pieces fell in Honolulu harbor, and some (apocryphally) landed on
> > ships anchored there.
> >
> > Tracy Latimer
> >
> >

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