As a newbie, both to this list and meteorites, I want to thank everyone.
I’m on several lists  but this one is the most easy-going one. You
people have a great community here!

I feel compelled to share my recent involvement into meteorites. I have
been a metallurgist for one of the largest defense contractors in the US
for almost 10 years. I have two hobbies; high power rockets and
astronomy. I build 100-pound rockets that go well over 2 miles high, and
have built an award-winning 20” f5 telescope. (Are you seeing a theme

It was only recently that I realized how blatantly obvious it should
have been for me to collect meteorites. (particularly iron meteorites!)
So, I bought a Nantan and a Compo meteorite to play with. I have a full
metallurgical laboratory at my disposal with everything a meteorite
lover could ever dream of. …from sectioning equipment, to
grinding/polishing equipment, to digital microscopes with bright
field/darkfield, polarizers and differential interference contrast

I’ve been surfing the web for various etchants but am not having much
luck. I’ve cut a few sections and etched them using my own etchants used
for Fe-Ni alloys, even ones with picric acid and hydrofluoric acid.  I
just can’t get as much contrast as I see pictured on websites. 

Can some of you help me with some various etching techniques?


Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes

Drake "Doc" Dameräu
President, NEPRA
NAR Section 614
L3CC member
TRA 9934 L3  


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