Rob Elliott  has asked me to forward this sad news to the list….

Sad news indeed.

Subject: [britishandirishmeteoritesociety] Sad news

I've just received a very sad email from my friends at the Open University:
<< Hi Rob, I am emailing with some very sad news…. Bob Hutchison died on Friday 
morning. We are all very shocked as we new he was ill but he was one of those 
people that seemed to be going forever. He was even writing a paper on 
chondrule formation while he was in hospital over Christmas. He came back home 
again, even spoke with Monica about coming in to the OU to work on Hambleton 
some more but unfortunately he deteriorated and had to go back into hospital 
and never recovered >>
Many of you will know Robert Hutchison as a past meteorite curator at the NHM, 
joint author of the 4th edition Catalogue of Meteorites, a top meteoriticist, 
and highly respected meteorite guru of our time.
I first met Bob many years ago, during my earliest visit to the Natural History 
Museum, London, circa 1997. Monica Grady showed me around and introduced me to 
many people in various rooms & labs along the long corridors. Names and faces 
started to blur after so many introductions, but while shaking hands with an 
older meteoriticist sitting at the microscope, my ears picked up when Monica 
introduced him as Robert Hutchison. I immediately exclaimed something like 
"Wow! Robert Hutchison!!" and excitedly shook his hand again. I felt a bit 
foolish about it afterwards, but....
I got to know Bob over the following years, and despite taking up huge amounts 
of his time (actually, his retirement time) with thousands of meteorite 
questions, Bob was always pleased to help with detailed explanations, and 
thoroughly passionate about his subject, for which I'm very grateful.
He'll be sadly missed.
Rob Elliott
Fernlea Meteorites,
The Wynd,
Off Dickson Lane,
Milton of Balgonie,
Fife. KY7 6PY
United Kingdom
Tel: +44-(0)1592-751563
Mobile: 07880-888660
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