Mr. Webb,McCafferty and others.
  If you don't mind, I have a few more questions.
    Do you know of a facility that could perform 187Os/186Os ratios testing at 
a reasonable price?

    Would element variations and ratios in the fusion crust be indicative of 
extraterrestrial origin. In other words, would the capture and melting of space 
dust into the fusion crust, thus causing elemental variances be a good 
Do you know of any comparative analysis of the fusion crust/matrix that could 
be identified as high versus low atmospheric heating?
    Does rapid atmospheric heating alter the fusion crust differently than 
terrestrial heating?

  Do you know if artificial ablation has been compared to natural ablation on 
meteorites? I tried different types of heat on a sample that I fractured and 
found that an artificially heated sample created a very different type of 
fusion crust. The artificial crust was glassy and somewhat brittle. 
  In the vacuum of space, all meteorids would receive solar radiation in 
varying degrees and cooled by space itself. Could the temperature of a 
near-earth meteroid be projected from it's mineral characteristics? In other 
words, we know meteorites are cold, but the question is how cold are they 
before they reach the Earth's atmosphere?

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